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Line Police Road, Bundi-323001
Emmanuel Sr. Sec. School Bundi
Established in 1980. Spread across 2.5 Acres. School Code 10415
Affiliated to C.B.S.E. Delhi with #1730159 till 31/03/2029
Registered under E.E and Charitable Society.

Admission Details:
Parents/Guardians are advised to get their wards registered for admission well in time before the new session starts.
The following documents are required for admission:
Birth Certificate
Transfer Certificate, if child was studying in another school.
Aadhar Card of Parents and the ward.
Mark Sheet of the last examination passed.
S/C S/T OBC Certificate, in case the student does not belong to general category.
Child's and Parent's latest passport-size photograph to be affixed on the Application Form.
Fee is payable at the time of admission as per the fee structure.
No Security Deposit or Caution money is payable.

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